Bio-Kinetix Thermally Activated Nitanium Archwires
A heat-activated Nitanium Archwire, specifically designed for consistent performance and low tooth moving forces, the Bio-Kinetix Thermally Activated Nitanium Archwire provides outstanding resiliency and demonstrates ultimate thermal performance. The archwire is soft at room temperature allowing for easy ligation.
Benefits of using the Bio-Kinetix Thermally Activated Nitanium Archwire:
- Excellent shape integrity and shape memory for a heat-activated archwire
- Temperature Transition Range (TTR) = 80°-90°F (26.7°-32.2°C)
- Optimum and consistent performance
- Easy ligation at room temperature
- Outstanding resiliency
- Offers slightly lower forces than the Bio-Kinetix Plus Thermally Activated Nitanium Archwire
- Ideal for use during cases that have significant crowding
- Very responsive to chilling which allows patient to ease discomfort with cold temperature items
- Low force provides greater patient comfort, and helps control torque early in treatment